Pericervical Dentin Metrics in Mandibular First Molars Determined with Digital Periapical Radiography and Cone-beam Computed Tomography
Pericervical root dentin is decisive for the long-term mechanical integrity of root-filled teeth. Current treatment protocol does not include a customized step to determine the pretreatment residual pericervical root dentin.
Antibacterial ability of different activated irrigation after root canal preparation: intratubular analyses
This study assessed the intratubular antibacterial ability of different activated irrigations after chemical mechanical preparation. Seventy-two palatal root canals of upper molars were infected with Enterococcus faecalis for 4 weeks, and then initial bacterial collection from the main root canal was performed. The root canals were prepared by using a WaveOne Gold large (45/.05) and […]
Propriedades Mecânicas de Instrumentos Endodônticos de Niti Tratados Termicamente
RESUMO Introdução: O tratamento endodôntico mecanizado é um advento que vem evoluindo constantemente. Objetivo: caracterizar os instrumentos através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura e realizar os ensaios mecânicos de flexão em 45º, flambagem e microdureza de instrumentos ProTaper. Materiais e Métodos: Foram utilizados 10 instrumentos de níquel titânio de cada Sistema: ProTaper Universal (PTUN), ProTaper […]
Visual Microscopic Analysis Of The Cleaning Effeciency From The EasyClean And Irrisonic Equipment
RESUMO A eficiência do tratamento endodôntico está diretamente relacionada com a qualidade do preparo químicomecânico e da obturação do sistema de canais radiculares. Neste caso, durante a limpeza e modelagem do canal, a eficácia da solução de irrigação é de grande importância, o que levou a muitos estudos ao longo das décadas com vários protocolos […]
Cyclic and torsional fatigue resistance of thermally treated rotary NiTi instruments with different designs
Introduction: The aim was to evaluate the cyclic and torsional fatigue resistance among thermally treated NiTi rotary instruments with different design features. Materials and methods: Sixty instruments of three systems were used (n=20): TruNatomy 26.04 (TN 26.04), BassiLogic 25.05 (BL 25.05), and Flat File 25.04 (FF 25.04). The cyclic fatigue test (n=10) was made in […]
Mechanical activation with Easy Clean device enhanced organic tissue removal from simulated internal root resorption in a laboratory evaluation
Background: Considering the irregular shape of the root canal, removing inflamed pulp and granulation tissue completely from internal resorption cavities during chemomechanical preparation can be challenging. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) compared to mechanical activation with Easy Clean in the removal of organic tissue from simulated areas of internal root […]
Cyclic and torsional fatigue resistance of a new rotary file on a rotary and reciprocating motion
Abstract: This study evaluated the cyclic and torsional fatigue resistance of a new nickeltitanium (Flat File 25.04) instrument on the continuous and reciprocating motion. Sixty instruments of the ProDesign Logic2 25.03 and 25.05 (Easy Equipamentos Odontologicos, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), and MK Flat File 25.04 (n = 20) (MK Life, Porto Alegre, Brazil) were used. For the […]
Apical extrusion of debris produced by the heat treated single-file systems XP-Endo Shaper, Reciproc Blue and ProDesign Logic
Aim: This study evaluated the apical extrusion of debris during root canal preparation produced by the single-file systems XP-Endo Shaper (FKG Dentaire, La Chaux-de- Fonds, Switzerland), Reciproc Blue (VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany), and ProDesign Logic (Easy Equipamentos Odontológicos, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil). Methodology: Thirty single straight root canals in mandibular premolar were prepared and randomly assigned to […]
Tratamento endodôntico em dentes com periodontite apical assintomática – Sistema de preparo biomecânico Limas M: Relato de caso
Resumo No cotidiano odontológico é comum os profissionais se depararem com diversos tipos de enfermidades que afetam o s tecidos da região periapical como por exemplo, a periodontite apical assintomática , patologia essa de natureza inflamatória de progressão lenta, que frequentemente comprometem os tecidos periapicais . Essa patologia requer tratamento endodôntico imediato evitando a perda […]
Cyclic and torsional fatigue resistance of three different thermally treated nickel-titanium rotary instruments
Resumo The aim of this study was to evaluate the cyclic fatigue and torsional fatigue resistance of three thermally treated rotary instruments, such as: Logic 2 25.05 (LOG 25.05), Edge Taper Platinum 25.06 (EDT 25.06) and ProTaper Gold 25.08 (PTG 25.08). Methods: A total of 60 rotary instruments of LOG 25.05, EDT 25.06 and PTG […]