Comparative Effectiveness of New Mechanical Irrigant Agitating Devices for Debris Removal from the Canal and Isthmus of Mesial Roots of Mandibular Molars

Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Easy Clean (Easy Dental Equipment, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil) in continuous and reciprocating motion, passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), Endoactivator systems (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), and conventional irrigation for debris removal from root canals and isthmus.

Methods: Fifty mesial roots of mandibular molars were embedded in epoxy resin using a metal muffle; afterward, the blocks containing the roots were sectioned at 2, 4, and 6 mm from the apex. After instrumentation, the roots were divided into 5 groups (n = 10) for application of the final irrigation protocol using Easy Clean in continuous rotation, Easy Clean in reciprocating motion, PUI, Endoactivator, and conventional irrigation. Scanning electron microscopic images were taken after instrumentation and after the first, second, and third activation of irrigating solution to evaluate the area of remaining debris with image J software (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD).

Results: The protocol of 3 irrigating solution activations for 20 seconds provided better cleaning of the canal and isthmus. On conclusion of all procedures, analysis of the canals showed a statistical difference only at 2 mm; the Easy Clean in continuous rotation was more efficient than conventional irrigation (P < .05). On conclusion of all steps, the largest difference was observed in the isthmus in which the Easy Clean in continuous rotation was more effective than conventional irrigation at the 3 levels analyzed and the Endoactivator at 4 mm (P < .05). The PUI promoted greater cleaning than conventional irrigation at 6 mm (P < .05). There was no statistical difference between Easy Clean in continuous rotation, Easy Clean in reciprocating motion, and PUI (P > .05).

Conclusions: Irrigating solution activation methods provided better cleaning of the canal and isthmus, especially the Easy Clean used in continuous rotation. The protocol of 3 irrigating solution activations for 20 seconds favored better cleaning. (J Endod 2017;43:326–331).

Comparative Effectiveness of New Mechanical Irrigant Agitating Devices for Debris Removal from the Canal and Isthmus of Mesial Roots of Mandibular Molars