Torsional fatigue resistance of pathfinding instruments manufactured from several nickel-titanium alloys

The torsion tests were performed based on ISO 3630-1 (1992). Three millimetres of each instrument tip was clamped to a small load cell by a lever arm linked to the torsion axis. Data were analysed using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test with a significance level at a = 5%. Results: The Logic size 25, .01 taper had significantly higher torsional strength values (P < 0.05). The ProGlider was significantly different when compared with Hyflex GPF size 15, .01 taper and size 15, .02 taper (P < 0.05). The Logic CM size 25, .01 taper had significantly higher torsional strength than Hyflex GPF size 15, .01 taper and size 15, .02 taper (P < 0.05). No difference was found amongst Mtwo size 10, .04 taper and Hyflex GPF groups (size 15, .01 taper; size 15, .02 taper; size 20, .02 taper). In relation to the angle of rotation, Logic CM size 25, .01 taper and Hyflex GPF size 15, .01 taper had the highest angle values (P < 0.05). The Pro-Glider had the lowest angle values in comparison with all the groups (P < 0.05) followed by Mtwo size 10, .04 taper. The Logic size 25, .01 taper had significantly higher angle of rotation values than ProGlider and Mtwo size 10, .04 taper (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The Logic size 25, .01 taper instrument made of conventional NiTi alloy had the highest torsional strength of all instruments tested. In addition, the ProGlider instrument manufactured from M-Wire alloy had the lowest angle of rotation to fracture in comparison with the other instruments.


Nickel-Titanium, pathfinding instruments, rotary instruments, thermal treatment.

Torsional fatigue resistance of pathfinding instruments manufactured from several nickel-titanium alloys